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February Monthly Challenge Winners

These are the Models who won our Monthly Challenges in February.

Edits of the Month

Theme: Dream

Winner: Corvid

Theme: Dream


My dream is to sail on! Throw away my fears and be guided by my strength to explore the seas , just let my vision fly.

I had a few "dreams" and all of them kept bringing me back to the same sort of theme, a virtual consciousness. When I think about what I really want in life, for me and others, I think of the pain I've endured and the stories I've heard form others. The dreams that came to mind were "to speak to my father again" or "to make Lily's last days less painful" (or "visit space" lol) and without really knowing a way to make that into a visual representation I tried to think of how it might be possible, so I settled on a peaceful dream like state made possible by biotechnology, that no matter what physical boundaries might be in your way, you can be anywhere you dream to be. I added the lilies in a tribute to my dear friend. 

Outfit of the Month

Theme: Spring Fashion

Winner: Aortic

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