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Job Positions Currently Open:



Information about Developers:

What does a Developer do?

As a developer at Paparazzi you will have the opportunities for our models to represent your products for icons, product pages, advertisements, and fashion shows. You will also have an option to have us host an event featuring your non-clothing based products. Payment to models will be chosen by you, but we highly recommend that you offer to either gift the product that they model or a different payment that is close to equal value.


What are the Requirements for a Developer?

Deving for Paparazzi requires only a few things. You must be an active IMVU creator. You must also have your products visible in the shop for the models to access.


What are the Services offered for Developers?

Being one of our developers gives you a chance for us to promote your products. You will have your own shop banner on our Soapbox.  Our models will help create Icons, Ads and Product Pages for your products. We will host events featuring both your clothing items and rooms/furniture. There will also be weekly challenges featuring your products. 

Information about Judges:

What does a Judge do?

Being a judge can be a very time consuming job; so please only apply if you have a lot of time available. Judging means that you will score and give constructive criticism to models who enter challenges. These entries include outfits and edited pictures. You are there to help them learn. Judges must also remain unbiased. Judges are paid on a point based system that encourages activity. If you are hired as a judge, you are not allowed to also be hired as a model. 


What are the Requirements for a Judge?

Judging for Modeling Agencies can be very time consuming and tedious. You will need to have at least 90 minutes of free time, sometimes more. You will also need to be able to give constructive criticism each week to help justify why you gave the model the score you did. Proper grammar and spelling are required. Along with the ability to remain unbiased with your judging. 

Information about Models:

What does a Model do?

At Ethereal Beauty anyone can be a model. Information such as - gender, age, skin color, body size, or how long you've been on IMVU does not matter. We give anyone a chance. As a model at Ethereal Beauty you will have the opportunity to participate in weekly challenges, runway shows, and possible work for developers. Models are paid on a point based system that encourages activity in the group. If you are hired as a model, you are not allowed to also be hired as a judge. 


What are the Requirements for a Model 

Modeling for Ethereal Beauty is pretty simple. You basically need to know how to use *hiresnobg. If you do not know how to, watch the video below: 

What are sites to upload images to?



*Due to issues, these are the trusted sites that people use. Imgur and Tinypic do not work for IMVU.

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